2016 Rio Olympic Games are on.
Follow the events, get latest results, cheer up for your national team or favorite athletes. There are App for this.
Alert Security on your mobile phone : Watch out! Some risky Apps have infected Apps Stores and are hiding behind Olympic Games Apps.
Here is a list of the most risky Apps Pradeo found and their suspicious behaviors.
Good Games and may the best team win!
Rio 2016 Olympic Games
Version : 1.0.38
SHA1: e82c23583dddf8cdf0870bbdefb63aa392663ca7
The following data are sent to the url : https://graph.%s (facebook Graph api)
- User's phone number sent over the Network
- Information about installed applications sent over the Network
Olympic Games
Version : 6.7.29
SHA1: db2ff646f9651cf6bff766a7249cf674d08810cd
- Information about installed applications sent over the Network
- Device identifier (imei) sent over the Network
Rio Go
Version: 6.7.29
SHA1: 6ce942c74bb0b9691dc889a85908524d840db883
- Information about installed applications sent over the Network
- Device identifier (imei) sent over the Network
Olympic Girl's SPA
Version: 1.0.1
SHA1: d733099389a7a53de272843b9961749df8ccc9b0
- Information about installed applications sent over the Network
- Device identifier (imei) sent over the Network

Brazil 2016
Version: 1.6
SHA1: 732c65b9cdd21acc747f133a0a77e5b422d4e9ce
- The application sent the user's location towards another destination than legitimate APIs