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Mobile Security Cybersecurity

What Zero Trust means for mobile security?

Picture of Roxane Suau
By Roxane Suau on March, 16 2020

The Zero Trust model, first identified by the research firm Forrester, is a security approach based on the principle of not trusting any network or data access request by default, even when it comes from inside the company perimeter. Zero Trust goes beyond the identity approach which focuses on only authenticating the user. It has emerged as the most reliable way for companies to keep away cyberthreats evolving within their distant and immediate environment.


Today, mobility is the fastest growing attack surface. Cybercriminals target enterprises through their collaborators' mobile, betting on finding loopholes they’ll exploit to steal corporate data. Hence, security heads are turning to Zero Trust mobile security strategy.

In the context of mobility, implementing a Zero Trust strategy comes with challenges. The first key to success is to encompass all entry points without exception. The second one is to have the capacity to accurately distinguish threats from legitimate requests, quickly and automatically.


Zero Trust mobile security encompasses the whole mobile framework

A company’s information system is largely accessed by collaborators (employee, partner, freelancer…) using personally-owned mobile devices, often unmanaged. Those access are performed through mobile applications, developed internally or by third parties. Altogether, these devices and apps represent millions of entry points to corporate sensitive information.

To enforce mobile data privacy through a Zero Trust approach, organizations have to measure the range of their mobile ecosystem and to make sure no access is passing through unchecked.


The Pradeo Security suite offers services to protect the mobile ecosystem from end to end, with solutions to:


Ensuring operability by avoiding false positive and setback

Enforcing security checks along every access request while maintaining a reasonable timing and keeping users’ agility is impossible without the right tools. To achieve it, organizations need to rely on an accurate threat detection such as one performed through multilevel behavioral analysis.

The goal here is to precisely understand what or who triggers access request and in what context to, in fine, correctly deny illegitimate requests and grant valid ones. Besides, to prevent any inconvenient latency that could downgrade the user experience, conditional access has to be automatized and performed in real-time.


The Pradeo Security technology is composed of an AI-based behavioral analysis engine that works together with a machine learning structure. This unique mechanism enables a quick and accurate identification of all threats operating on mobile devices, in real-time and on a large scale.


To discuss your Zero Trust mobile security strategy, contact us.


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