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Roxane Suau

SMS OTP Authentication: Not As Safe As You May Think
By Roxane Suau on February 17, 2020

Most online transactions require a two-step authentication, and the One-Time-Password (OTP) sent by SMS is often one of those two steps. The purpose...

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OWASP Top 10 mobile risks: Break down and mobile app development best practices
By Roxane Suau on January 30, 2020

The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a worldwide non-profit organization that frequently publishes practical information on...

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Mobile security event collection for SIEM software
By Roxane Suau on December 18, 2019

Maintaining a safe digital framework can be a tricky task for large organizations’ IT teams. To help them, some solutions such as security...

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7 actionable tips to prevent breach from mobile devices
By Roxane Suau on December 5, 2019

Mobile users are often unaware of how vulnerable their smartphone can be. A regular mobile usage involves manipulating numerous corporate and...

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Pradeo launches a Private Secure Store solution to facilitate and expand safe BYOD usages for companies
By Roxane Suau on October 15, 2019

After being awarded by Frost & Sullivan for best mobile security, Pradeo adds a new offer to its product line to address a strong mobile security...

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