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Two spyware tied with China found hiding on the Google Play Store
By Roxane Suau on July 6, 2023

This week, our engine detected two spyware hiding on the Google Play Store and affecting up to 1.5 million users. Both applications are from the same...

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Pradeo launches unmatched benefits for MSSPs with its latest Mobile Threat Defense release
By Roxane Suau on June 26, 2023

While mobile users are increasingly falling victims of cybercriminals, organizations are raising their spending in mobile endpoint detection and...

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Why is phishing so efficient on mobile?
By Roxane Suau on April 17, 2023

Phishing is a hacking technique that makes a user believe that he is interacting with the interface of a trusted third party (his bank, an...

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How to strengthen your cybersecurity posture by automating mobile security?
By Roxane Suau on March 21, 2023

The constant growth and diversification of cyber threats is making them tedious to manage. When faced with thousands of daily security alerts,...

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TikTok, a leakware installed on 2 billion mobile devices
By Roxane Suau on March 15, 2023

Over the past two weeks, the White House, Canada, the European Union and several countries in Europe have banned the use of the mobile application...

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