It is common to observe in films or books a society where citizens are constantly spied on. Even though this vision is exaggerated, these narratives...
Continue ReadingTopic: Cybersecurity
C-Executives, IT, sales… Which staff is the most exposed to mobile threats?
Roxane Suau on March 12, 2019
Nowadays, the vast majority of employees is using smartphones or tablets as part of their work. Those devices, whether they are corporate (COPE) or...
Continue ReadingIDC named Pradeo as a worldwide leader of Mobile Threat Management
Roxane Suau on December 26, 2018
The global market intelligence firm IDC just published its latest MarketScape report on Mobile Threat Management solutions. We are proud to announce...
Continue ReadingWhat is a Man-In-The-Middle Attack
Roxane Suau on December 18, 2018
Smartphones and tablets have become the first point of access to the internet. This evolution has led to the creation of many Wi-Fi networks so...
Continue ReadingMobile Security Report 2018 - Malwares, network attacks...
Rabah Laouadi on October 31, 2018
We live in an ultra-connected world in whichbillions of corporate and personal data are manipulated through mobile devicesevery second. Smartphones...
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