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The alarming security state of airline mobile apps
By The Pradeo Lab on May 23, 2019

Do you usually install your airline mobile app when traveling? You may think twice before using it for your next vacation. Our latest study based on...

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Monetization of mobile applications: Everything about user profiling
By Roxane Suau on May 6, 2019

It is common to observe in films or books a society where citizens are constantly spied on. Even though this vision is exaggerated, these narratives...

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White Paper | Mobile security for Governments: Threats, real-life cases & adapted security answers
By Roxane Suau on April 18, 2019

The proliferation of mobile devices accessing agency networks, including employees’ personal smartphones and tablets, offers a prosperous playground...

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C-Executives, IT, sales… Which staff is the most exposed to mobile threats?
By Roxane Suau on March 12, 2019

Nowadays, the vast majority of employees is using smartphones or tablets as part of their work. Those devices, whether they are corporate (COPE) or...

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Pradeo's biannual mobile security report: The current mobile threat landscape
By Roxane Suau on March 5, 2019

In the corporate sector, smartphones, tablets and mobile applications are trusted with confidential information and granted access to companies’...

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