Mobile apps are now on top of our digital consumption and they process data from millions of users all around the globe every day. The growing...
Continue ReadingMobile applications: How to reduce fraud and increase trust
Roxane Suau on August 5, 2019
Applications have won mobile, that’s no longer news. As most organizations leverage mobile apps to enhance their users’ online experience, the whole...
Continue ReadingFaceApp: What our security report shows
The Pradeo Lab on July 25, 2019
FaceApp is currently highly questioned in the press. A lot of articles and some American politicians relate that the Russian mobile application...
Continue ReadingPradeo streamlines Mobile Threat Intelligence with a brand-new line of services for security professionals
Roxane Suau on July 10, 2019
Official Press Release here. Pradeo’s new mobile threat intelligence services provide deep and accurate insights on mobile threats, offering...
Continue ReadingPayment Service Directive (PSD2): What are the challenges for mobile security?
Roxane Suau on July 2, 2019
What is the PSD2? The second Payment Service Directive (PSD2) and its associated Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) have been published by the...
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